Pro Features

You'll be playing like a pro in no time.

Mouse Click Triggers

Cinch Gaming's Mouse Click Triggers and Bumpers allow you to shoot significantly faster than a standard pull. Each click produces a satisfying click that you'd expect from a high end gaming mouse.

Shooting and aiming at the same speed as a pc player, truly closed the skill gap and levels the playing field.

Back Action Buttons

Our back action buttons are the staple of Cinch Gaming. We use a pro-micro switch to enable faster actions with a satisfying click.

Imagine this, you can now jump + crouch while retaining your ability too aim. Keep your thumbs on the sticks while activating any face button - all with Cinch back action buttons.

Hall Effect Stick Modules

Hall effect sticks use magnetic sensors instead of traditional potentiometers, reducing wear and eliminating stick drift. They offer greater durability, precision, and responsiveness, making them ideal for competitive and long-term gaming.

Swap Top Sticks

Aim with more accuracy. Adding a taller domed thumbstick on your right stick allows more precise movements with verticality. Each swap top kit includes 6 different size, shape and texture tops to match your play-style. Just please don't be a camper...

More About Features

Let's answer some top questions about our pro controller features.

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