Event Information

Venue Location

Replay Cafe,6545 St Antoine, Detroit, MI 48202

Competition Information

Game: Call of Duty Vanguard

Format: 4v4 CDL Variant

Team Limit: 32 Teams

Bracket: Double Elimination Best of 5's and 3's

Platform: Controller on PC

Pass Price: $75 Per Person

Spectators Allowed.

$5,000 Prize based on full event sell-out.

Preferred Hotel Information 

Courtyard Detroit Farmington Hills
Must be booked by November 8th.
Call: 248-516-1280 with group code VVV to get discount.

Book here to save
 at the Marriot.
Book here to save
at the Holiday Inn.
Hotels are next to each other. 

Event Schedule (Subject to Change)

6pm Tournament Start
11pm Tournament End

10am Tournament Start
11pm Tournament End

10am Tournament Start
[XXX] Tournament End

Stay tuned to this page, additional information is released weekly.

We reserve the right to modify or make any changes to the event info, prizing and participation.

Limited Time Cinch Discount

CODE: CinchDetroitOpen